What is the Client Lounge?

The ICG Client Lounge is our digital hub for clients and consultants.

It allows these private markets institutional investors, consultants and limited partners (LPs) to explore our entire global platform, helping clients to become informed about ICG investment strategies that they may not have previously considered investing in. The Client Lounge does not replace Intralinks/fund data rooms, investor days, etc.

Content within the Client Lounge includes:

  • Strategy summaries
  • Biographies of investment committee members
  • Latest presentation literature
  • Where possible, performance and sustainability reporting
  • Investor day videos
  • Case study videos
  • News and insights, including ‘premium’ content such as our biannual Private Company Trends analysis
  • Communications from our investment teams to their investors, traditionally only sent via email
  • Relevant contacts

Preview the Client Lounge via this short video:

How do I apply for access into the Client Lounge?

Visit the Request Access page, read the disclaimer and fill out the form. We will endeavour to review your application in a timely fashion.

Can private wealth investors and their consultants have access to the Client Lounge?

No. The Client Lounge is only for private markets institutional investors and their consultants. Eligible individuals should contact their registered investment adviser (RIA), bank or other wealth manager to discuss current or prospective investments in ICG strategies.

How do I reset my password for the Client Lounge?

If you are not logged into the Client Lounge: click the ‘RESET PASSWORD’ link, which is found below the ‘Login’ button. To find a login screen, visit the home page.

If you are already logged into the Client Lounge: click here.

Why can’t I see some content?

As a global alternative asset manager operating in many countries around the world, some of the investment products and services we offer are only available in certain territories. This can change over time as new funds are registered and launched from one country to another.

Therefore the ICG Client Lounge features full Compliance controls – after self-certifying your location, you will be able to see the appropriate level of content. This is to protect you and your institutions as much as ICG.

Please contact us for more information.

Which location should I select during registration?

Most ICG clients should select the country where their office is based, with some exceptions listed below:

LocationFurther information
ADGMAbu Dhabi Global Market-based clients, within the UAE
China, Offshore-based Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors on SAFE listQualified Domestic Institutional Investors (QDIIs) of the People’s Republic of China with Investment Quotas Granted by the State Administration for Foreign Exchange (SAFE)
DIFCDubai International Financial Centre-based clients, within the UAE
Rest of WorldAll geographies not specifically listed in the Client Lounge’s self-certify list of geographies. Clients operating in these locations can log into the site for a limited experience. For the avoidance of doubt this includes all institutional investors operating from mainland China, plus any other countries not listed (examples being Türkiye, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil). Please contact ICG Client Solutions Group for further information.
Saudi Arabia, Government of the KingdomSaudi government
Saudi Arabia, Central Bank (SAMA)Saudi central bank
Saudi Arabia, Saudi Exchange (TADAWUL)Main Saudi stock exchange
Saudi Arabia, CMA-regulated financial (securities) entitiesCapital Market Authority (CMA)-regulated financial entities authorised to carry out securities business
Saudi Arabia, Depositary Center (Edaa)The Saudi Arabian Depositary Center Company (Edaa)
Saudi Arabia, CMA-recognised supranational authoritiesCapital Market Authority (CMA)-recognised supranational authorities
UAE, Government-owned entities & subsidiariesEntities and their subsidiaries owned by the government of the United Arab Emirates

Who can I contact if I have feedback about the Client Lounge or a question about ICG and its investment strategies?

You are welcome to contact us via this portal’s Contact page.

‘Write a review’ feedback buttons are displayed throughout the website.

Your ICG relationship manager is also happy to assist you. Specific contact details can be found on each investment strategy page, as well as in Contacts.

What can I do if I see ‘Token Expired’ and cannot enter the Client Lounge?

If you are having issues logging in, for example seeing ‘Token Expired’, firstly please keep in mind that this is a secure platform. Sharing your access with a colleague will not work, it will break the chain of authentication and you will be unable to access the Client Lounge.

Secondly, please ask your IT team to ensure that the internet sub-domain clients.icgam.com is on the white list or allowed list of the following systems:

  1. Web browsing
  2. Email delivery
  3. Links parsed through any cyber security systems, in particular for delivery of email from third parties

Once your IT team has made those changes, please reboot your device and you may also need to wait for a period of time for the technical changes at your side to be implemented. Your firm’s IT team will be able to advise you on the timeframe.

If you are still having issues accessing the Client Lounge after you have entered your user name and password, received the magic link via email, clicked that link and then once again entered your credentials, contact us via this portal’s Contact page. Please share via the form:

  • Your name
  • Your firm
  • Your email address
  • The name and email address of a member of your Technology, Networks, IT or Cyber Security team

We will then work together to discover if and how your firm’s IT network is perhaps preventing access and see if changes can be made to allow you to access the Client Lounge. This can include giving temporary access to a member of your IT team.

Is there an alternative way to log in to the Client Lounge that avoids magic link emails?

If the Client Lounge’s magic link authentication system is incompatible with your firm’s IT system, we have another option for you. This allows you to use a mobile app or in some cases, your biometric data (e.g. fingerprint) to log in. Please contact us if you are interested in this solution. We will make the necessary changes to your account and send you a step-by-step user guide to help you.

Please note: For reasons of confidentiality and compliance, under no circumstances are we able to remove two-factor authentication (2FA) from this portal.

Welcome to the
ICG Client Lounge

This investor portal is for our clients to review the ICG platform, catch up with investor day videos, portfolio case studies and download strategy teams' latest presentations and fund reports. Not an ICG client? Please find our public site at www.icgam.com.